Nip Tuck Carpet Repair Jan 2020

How to Patch Your Own Carpet

How to Patch Your Own Carpet

Do you suffer from scorched carpet, carpet dug up by pets, or stubborn carpet stains? You are not alone. The good news is that you do not have to live with these eyesores, and you do not have to spend a big chunk of money to get rid of them. At NipTuck Carpet Repair, patching carpet is one of our specialties. And today, we want to share with you how you can even patch your own carpet.

You can get a simple carpet patching kit online. If you do not have leftover carpet from the installation, just harvest a piece from the back of a closet or from an area where you will not notice the missing piece.

Imprint- Your patching kit should come with a round cookie cutter type device. Before adding the blade, take the cutter over to the area you want to patch and the area you are taking a patch from. Move your hand around the carpet and take note of the direction your carpet fibers stand up in. Then, make an imprint with your cutter by turning it a few times until it reaches the carpet backing.

Cut- Next, attach the blade and the pivot screw to your cutting tool. Line the cutter up with the outline you made previously. Then, apply steady even pressure to the area as you turn the tool a few times. Eventually you will hear a sort of pop, indicating you made it through the carpet. Be careful not to cut too far, however. As you do not want to cut through the carpet padding underneath.

Adhere the Patch- There will be an adhesive disk in the kit. Remove the protective backing and apply cool water to the disk. This will temporarily neutralize the glue. Then, slide the disk under the hole you made. When the glue becomes tacky again, press down firmly around the edges of the carpet. Next, apply a thin line of carpet-seam glue around the edges of your cutout. Note the direction your original carpet fibers stand up in. Be sure to match those up with your carpet patch as you then place it. Press firmly to bond it.

Blend- To make the patch as seamless as possible, take a star roller and move it around the patch. Roll it around in all different directions. This will blend the carpet fibers together. Lastly, be sure to allow your patch to dry for around a day before vacuuming or walking on the patch.

And that is it! It does not have to be difficult to make your own home improvements. Especially when there are kits equipped with everything you need to do the job. There are jobs that may be too big for a standard carpet patching kit, however. If you ever find yourself in that situation, call NipTuck Carpet Repair! We are trained in the latest carpet patching techniques and have professional equipment to provide you with results that will be enduring.

By Nip and Tuck Carpet Repair 1-2-2020
